6. Dez. 2013
Chur (CH), Jazz Club Chur
I woke up feeling pretty tired and good. I enjoyed breakfast and after saying goodbye to Park Villa in Schaffhausen we went off to Chur!...

5. Dez. 2013
Schaffhausen (CH), Kammgarn
We started our winterjourney in Schaffhausen… in the most charming hotel I’ve ever been!!! It's called Park Villa and I immediately fell...

18. Aug. 2013
St.Pölten (AT), Jazz im Hof
It was a lovely Saturday afternoon when we met at the trainstation. A. Bahadir Gokce and his friend were on board with us to shoot a live...

2. Juli 2013
München (DE), Unterfahrt
On the second of July we had our first concert in Germany! I was excited when we got on the train. Ingrid, Hans, mathias and me left...

22. Juni 2013
Dornbirn (AT), Spielboden
I sometimes like these blurry mornings after having a great night - this special mood when you know you surrendered your sleep for a...

21. Juni 2013
St. Johann (AT), Alte Gerberei
We started off from Vienna to St. Johann at around 10:00 in the morning. We had a busy week including a live video shoot in the Porgy &...

28. Mai 2013
Wien (AT), Chaya Fuera Yellow Lounge
The days before the concert I spent with reading the inspiring book by dancer and actress Louise Brooks entitled „Lulu in Berlin und...

28. Apr. 2013
Zürich (CH), Moods
Train ride…I love it… Fabian, mathias and I back on the train. Hans, Ingrid and Martin back on the road. I have to admit that I was...

27. Apr. 2013
Wels (AT), Schl8hof
It was a Saturday, a great day to come home… Fabian, mathias, Birgit (mathias’ lovely company) and I met at 14:15 at the trainstation....

29. März 2013
Göteborg (SWE), Nefertiti
Without my wake up call I’m pretty sure I would have missed the amazing breakfast at the Scandia Grand Central. Still tired but well fed...