14. Dez. 2019
Vienna (AT), Porgy & Bess - The Great European Song Book
A celebration of Schubert & Schumann & Brahms As always when we play at Porgy & Bess, the wonderful Jazzclub in the heart of town, we...

11. Juli 2019
Vienna (AT), Porgy & Bess
A Kind Of Swing feat. the PaCoRa Trio & The Brahms Song Book Did you know that you could take a ship from Schwedenplatz straight to...

9. Dez. 2017
Portrait mathias rüegg at Porgy & Bess 7. - 9.12. 2017
DAY THREE ein Bericht von mathias rüegg Introduction: Music is Music, That's it! (Duke Ellington) Oliver Schnyder im Gespräch mit mathias...

8. Dez. 2017
Portrait mathias rüegg at Porgy & Bess 7. - 9.12. 2017
DAY TWO ein Bericht von mathias rüegg Introduction: Alter und Askese Konrad Paul Liessmann im Gespräch mit mathias rüegg Wir zwei waren...

7. Dez. 2017
Portrait mathias rüegg at Porgy & Bess 7. - 9.12. 2017
Im Vorfeld... Bereits im September 2016 hatte ich mein Portrait in Christoph Hubers Porgy & Bess zu planen begonnen und mich um die...

6. Dez. 2017
Happy Birthday mathias! Porgy & Bess, Wien (AT)
Ich kann es noch gar nicht wirklich fassen; diese drei Porgy-Tage haben sich beinahe unwirklich angefühlt. Ich war aufregungstechnisch...

2. Nov. 2016
Vienna (AT), Porgy & Bess - Premiere "The Schumann Songbook"
Playing new material for the very first time always brings me to my limits and although there is this is feeling that I can‘t wait to...

27. Juli 2016
Vienna (AT), Porgy & Bess VAO & Winter Journey & my poet's love
DAY 1 It probably was the most challenging week I‘ve experienced so far...everything seemed to happen at once...after our concert at...

6. Nov. 2015
Vienna (AT), Porgy & Bess
To play at Porgy & Bess is always special to me…it is the place where everything started - where we played for the first time in 2013 and...

3. Feb. 2015
Porgy & Bess (AT), Premiere My Poet's Love
The months, weeks, days before an album premiere are...well...they are crazy and they are everything at once: exciting, scary,...