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Hamburg (DE) - Elbphilharmonie SHMF

I slept late and got to the breakfast buffet just in time : )! Pick up to Hamburg was at 12:00 and yesss it was time to meet: Frau Elphi. I think we all were very excited and looking forward to playing within these impressive halls and on top of just that, we got to play our ‘Brahms Song Book’ for the very first time in Hamburg, the city where Brahms was born. We got to play his songs for the very first time at Elbphilharmonie. To be honest, I was nervous and excited all day. Maria brought us our entry cards and showed us around…holy moly guacamoleee - the dressing room with the view, the balcony, the piano I couldn’t believe it... and whenever I scroll through my pictures, I still can’t! I took my time to get ready, time to breathe and arrive. I had no idea what to expect and soundcheck gave us time to connect and discover the hall...the beautiful hall. There are some nights, some evenings where you start playing and it’s like jumping into a stream of energy, you just get pulled in, so easily and so powerful and the same time. This was one of those nights and I am truly grateful for it – grateful for being in this room. We started with ‘Lied’, I started to say a few words and could already feel a connection develop between the audience, the band, the songs, the melodies…I still smile when I think back! Especially when I think about the moment in ‘Tell me my sweet sheperdess’ during the piano and flute unisono part, when I stepped on a tiny piece of glass and I started bleeding on the wooden floor of the stage while playing. I had taken off my shoes after the second song and was barefoot from then on…I had to sit down after I made it trough the solo : ) to operate the splinter out and then someone from the audience offered me a band aid which I gladly accepted! Blood on stage – I've never felt more rock’n’roll : )! I hope whoever gave me the band aid reads this – THANK YOU so much!!! It didn’t hurt, it just connected us more and we kept going, kept playing and sharing and experiencing Brahms’ music together. Hans, Ingrid, mathias, Mario you all were on fire and it was pure joy playing our Brahms with you!

And dear audience, what can I say, I think I said it all, right there and then – this was truly a night to remember in many ways and I am grateful for everyone being there – being with me in that room, in Frau Elphi’s home.

Oh and the dinner afterwards…I still think about loup de mer and crème brûlée…

Thank you SHMF, thank you Frau Elphi and thank you Mr. Brahms!

I will carry this night with me and should have taken a picture of the bloodstain onstage 💙 maybe next time : )

Yours Lia


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