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Vienna (AT), MUTH - Zyklus

The Brahms Song Book, 28.5.2021 & The Schumann Song Book, 1.6.2021

Tour Diary - Muth Zyklus, 28.5. & 1.6

I’m so grateful for the possibility to play ALL of our programs at Muth, Konzertsaal der Wiener Sängerknaben. Elke Hesse and her whole team made it possible through out this whole year to keep playling live alive : ) inside these wonderful halls. Our cycle at Muth really has been a wonderful experience, from our Händel Sing My Soul Premiere to our Winterreise - Stream to our concerts now: Brahms and Schumann Song Book. For me it was simply wonderful to get back into the whole process that comes along with live concerts: rehearsing, making music together, getting ready, talking, traveling - everything from warming up til the moment of stepping onto the stage and into the spotlight. Playing live for and with everyone who is there and everyone who isn’t : ). Once again I was reminded how essential it is to play and share music together. To be active again and involved felt like an energy boost that pushed me to give my all and made me even more aware and grateful of every minute of making music together.

During this period I was also practicing for my first role in a contemporary opera in The Hague. Then playing these Song Books felt like coming to my musical homebase that gave me the strength to continue leaving my comfort zone and gaining my first experiences in a totally different musical and music theatre world. I would like to say thank you to each and everyone who came out that night and traveled through Brahm's & Schumann's life, loves and Liederbücher with us.

With Brahms we had wonderful Mario Rom on trumpet on board, who - as always - tells the most imaginative stories during each of his soli. With our Schumann it was Stano Palúch on his stunning violin, that can easily move from Polka double time soli to heartwarming ballad story lines where time stands still. Ingrid and Hans, what can I say - we’re connected through these songs and always will be : ). Ingrid with her unmistakable variety of grooviness and Hans with his powerful, warm and earthy jazz tones that lay the foundation of bounciness and connects Kunstlied with Standard - thank youuu for the music. And last but not least - my long term partner in crime - mister rüegg, the amazing arranger in between musical worlds, connecting the colors of each within and creating the structure on which we all ride our musical rides and who grows with every concert as an instrumentalist. I hope we will keep on playing all of our Liederbücher on and on on. And T - Thomas Egger our sound magician, I truly cannot imagine a concert without your ears and expertise to rely on, thank youuu!!!

As for me…I wish for live music to be heard, felt and experienced and for the performers and audience to be able to breath and feel music together again - without restrictions.

Thank you Muth & thank you to our core audience for your incredible support during these challenging times!

Yours truly Lia

P.S.: I will definitely include my tap shoes more again : ) thanks to Schubert's Post & Korke - ...soon I'll tell you more about Korke.. : )!


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